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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Apologize One Republic Sheet Music

apologize one republic sheet music

If you have not been paying attention to pop song lately, you are missing out on Apologize One Republic. I am not a fan of pop song. I do keep an eye on songs that my students are interested in. When I used to teach private students, I let them choose pop song to play - this will help them feel involved in the song selection and be in tune with their playing.
Most high school students like to choose pop songs for their recital pieces. A few years ago I have one good student who chosed to play Pirates in The Carribean and she did an excellent job during the recital. I am very pleased with it.

Apologize One Republic Sheet Music (you can download the sheet music by clicking on the link and type in Apologize One Republic) is not a particularly challenging piece. In fact, once you listen to it a few more times, you will know how to play by ear - it is the same chords progression repeat and repeat again.
Here is another video of Apologize One Republic

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