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Friday, June 20, 2008

Ornaments And Trills Practice

Ornaments are used extensively in music. Certain ornaments such as trills or mordants were used quite a bit in Baroque period. If you have played Bach's music, you probably came across many ornaments.

Musical ornaments are much like other ornaments :)

If you wear too much ornaments, it looks weird and out of style.
Similarly, if you use lots of ornaments when playing music, it gets to be showy and un-natural.

It takes certain amount of techniques to play trills -especially if you want to play it fast and clear. A good way to practice them is by using trill exercises in Hanon. Also, many of the earlier exercises in Hanon prepare the hands for trills.

I found it useful to practise the trill in various ways - crescendo, diminuendo, syncopation, or anything to make it fun.

Always keep your body relaxed. Even when playing forte movement (loud movement), let the hands drop down to the piano without using extensive muscular force.

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