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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Teaching Piano - How To Teach Piano

Music is a gift and is an integral part of our lives. There are many kinds of instruments and each instrument has a unique sound. Piano is an instrument that has a distinct and mesmerizing sound. Only a few possess the talent of playing on a piano. If a person possesses the skill of playing the piano, then he/she must be benevolent enough to share it with others.

Many people teach piano to a gamut of people, who belong to all ages. Piano
cannot be taught in a day. It takes years and sometimes decades to learn piano. A particular teaching method may produce good results with children, but cannot be applied, while teaching adults. An approach that is convenient for a specific set of students, has to be devised, to make teaching effective. Piano teachers must encourage the students and change their approach, according to the students they teach.

Teaching piano

Prior to learning piano, a student has to get accustomed to piano keys and the sounds. The early lessons comprise of playing scales, hearing different pitches for every key, etc. The lessons concerned with reading music must be introduced gradually, while teaching piano. The advanced lessons have to be taught patiently by the teacher. A teacher must be thorough with every bit of the lesson, before teaching it. He/she must use a teaching material effectively, for the benefit of the students.

Teaching children

Teaching piano to children can be an exciting thing to do. A piano teacher must be very tolerant, while teaching kids. Children tend to make mistakes, in the process of learning and a teacher must correct them patiently. They need to be motivated and the teacher must evoke interest in them, to learn piano. Lesson plans that are apt for kids are available in various websites and even in many books. A teacher must use his/her creativity to innovate on the existing lesson plan and customize it, to suit the children.

Teach adults

Teaching adults can be tough, since adults get frustrated, when they do not get things right. Piano learning is no exception, so a piano teacher must be ready to counsel them and correct them, every time. Adult learners have to be convinced and motivated, constantly. A piano teacher must be ready to answer all their queries and change the teaching method, if necessary, in a class filled with adult students.

Teaching from home

To earn some extra cash, a person can teach piano, from his/her home. One needs to find a comfortable place and time to teach piano. A piano teacher, who teaches from home, must allow the students to use his/her piano, if necessary. If a teacher teaches a heterogeneous mix of students, who are of different ages and aptitude, then he/she has to devise new teaching strategies and lesson plans. A teacher has to modify the lesson plan, according a student’s aptitude and skill.

Piano Resources online

An impressive array of materials is available online and in books, for teaching piano. After referring to these materials in the websites, a piano teacher can devise a comprehensive program to teach piano. Piano lessons must be streamlined and must have a specific structure, which allows the students to learn piano, step by step. A piano teacher can also seek the help of experienced musicians, while devising lesson plans and teaching strategies.

Any art form perseveres and stands the test of time, only when it is passed from generation to generation. Teaching many to play the piano is a great contribution that any piano teacher can make to music. Sharing knowledge only multiplies it!

Reading Music - Learn How To Read Music

Reading Music is the most difficult phase, in the process of learning piano or any kind of instrument. A perseverant learner can grasp the nuances of reading music, through constant effort. If a person has a perfect understanding of the basic components in written music, he/she can easily read music and devise customized techniques of Music reading. One has to devise a convenient technique of music reading, since the ultimate aim of reading music, is playing the piano well.

The two staves

The graphic representation of music has its own architecture. The notes, in written form are posted on a staff. The staff comprises four spaces and five lines. Clef is a musical symbol and it is placed, in the staff, at the very beginning. Piano music has two staves, which are called the ‘Treble Clef’ and the ‘Bass Clef’. Treble clef comprises notes which have higher pitches than bass clef.

Seven notes

Only seven notes are the foundation, on which the entire world of music is built. Combination of a few notes, together and separate, generates music that is a pleasure to our ears. The notes of music are represented by the letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G of the English alphabet. A musician works out various combinations of the notes, to create different kinds of music.

Treble and Bass Clef

In the staffs, irrespective of the clefs, the lines and spaces that are successive often represent the ascending notes. While denoting Treble chef, the lowest line stands for E and the space above it stands for F, so on and so forth. The graphic representation of the Treble clef looks like a curled backwards ‘S’. The lines in the staff represent EGBD and F and the spaces represent FA and C. The Additional lines are extensions of the staff. The Middle C is represented by an invisible line that is located one space just below the Treble clef staff. Bass clef is represented by ‘C’ backwards and the five lines represent GBDF and A. The spaces signify ACE and G. While learning piano music, one has to memorize these things to read music, from a music sheet, efficiently. A beginner should understand that the notes played by left hand are in bass clef and the right hand plays the notes in treble clef.

Sharps and Flats

After memorizing the notes and the lines and spaces for different clefs, one must learn to read various other symbols. Symbols for sharp and flat have to be identified, by the beginner. If a note is accompanied by the symbol #, then it is the symbol for sharp and one must play the note one half step higher. The flat symbol is represented by a symbol like ‘b’ (lower case). The note, which comes with this symbol, has to be played one half step lower.


The written music also has an integral part called the ‘rest’. The rests are represented by different shapes and they stand for silence, during the piano performance. A pianist must know the techniques of music reading, in written form, which comprises pauses. Time signatures, tempo, rhythm, articulation and phrasing markings must be learnt by a piano enthusiast.

A musician can adopt any kind of technique in reading the music, but must learn the basics of the written music, mandatorily. Learning the notes, the staff, the clefs, etc is the first step towards learning to read music. Once an individual memorizes all the symbols and the signs that are present in the musical scores, playing the piano is a beautiful, exhilarating and wonderful experience.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Piano techniques - A few techniques that helps

Piano is an interesting instrument to learn. With commitment and dedication, it is hopeful to master the art of playing on a piano. Pianists use different piano techniques, to play piano. A person, interested in learning piano can choose a technique that he/she is comfortable, from an array of piano techniques.

Broken chord

Broken chord piano technique is a technique that can be learnt with ease. In this technique, a chord is broken up into notes. All the tones, involved are heard in the same instant. This is called solid chord.

If a pianist is using his/her finger and playing a C major triad, then he/she can break it up into three notes and can playing them one after the other, this is called broken chord.

Broken chord technique is used commonly, in the New age piano music. It is enthralling to listen to the music, when a piano player plays the notes of a particular chord, in the broken style. The sound of the piano is fuller and the music sounds wonderful.


This technique allows a pianist to generate music that is fuller. The specialty of the technique is that there is repeating pattern, which is present, frequently in every kind of music. The repeating pattern is called ‘ostinato’. Ostinato gives this technique its charm and depth. The Ostinatos can be utilized, in the creation of staccato sound. Two chords are used to produce harmonic background.

These two chords are created by the left hand and the right hand invents melody. Even a repeating bass note can be used to create the ‘ostinato’ pattern. This technique also stresses on melody, which makes the music created through the application of this technique, alluring!

The Ostinatos, quickly provide you the complete background and keeps the mood of the piece, intact. Then the melody can be introduced into this background to create beautiful music!

Open position chord

The open position chord technique is a technique that covers the two octaves of a keyboard and a person has to make use of both the hands, while playing. The open position chord is not an easy technique to master. Once a person familiarizes himself/herself with the chord structure, then it is easy to apply this technique. This technique allows one to create better sounds that the closed position chords.


The crossover technique is used in the New age pianos and it spans one octave or more. The pianist, while applying this technique on the piano uses the left hand and produces a cascading pattern of notes. These notes ascend and descend, according to the way it is played. In some musical compositions, which can be played using this technique, a few chords are broken up into arpeggios. This generates a beautiful harmony loop. The chords are broken up with the left hand and the right hand polishes the melody, in the composition. While learning this technique, one has to master the left-hand crossover and then one has to learn to add melody, with the right hand.

All kinds of piano styles have their own share of techniques and risks. A particular technique suits a specific style. Some techniques prove to be very useful than other techniques. While playing on a piano, a pianist has to adopt a particular technique that suits the style of the music and the pianist himself. Learning new techniques makes a person play on a piano efficiently and create music that mesmerizes the listeners!

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Piano Practice - More Ways To Practice

Practice makes any art perfect and there are many effective ways to practice piano and become adept in the art of playing piano. Piano practices do not have an element of fun associated with them, since they become monotonous after a particular period of time. Long hours of practice are required to play piano, confidently. Commitment and concentration can make the practice session great fun!

Make your own space!

It is difficult to practice piano anywhere. Some musicians play better, when they are in a quiet place like their private room, bedroom or even a silent garage. Finding your own space, where you can concentrate is the first and foremost thing, before beginning practice. The room should not be crowded with things and should not be noisy. The piano must be placed away from direct sunlight, since it can destroy the piano’s sensory parts. When a person practices in his/her own private space, he/she is not distracted and can easily detect and rectify mistakes.

Schedule practice time

Finding time to practice is vital for practicing any instrument. It is important to set aside everyday to practice. You should practice everyday, during this time and keep yourself free from other engagements. The practicing time should be uninterrupted by family and friends.

Practice everyday!

Practicing everyday has many other benefits too. If we practice daily, our fingers become dexterous and we find it easy to play any complicated piece on a piano, with ease. Practicing allows our body to be accustomed to the routine and helps in conditioning the body. Playing continuously on the piano also helps one to develop the skill of playing by ear. Every note, every chord and every key is in a harmonious manner, since we practice almost all the known compositions, daily.

Exercise fingers and hand

Fingers create the magic called music with a touch, on the keys of the piano. To play complicated musical compositions, hands must be agile enough to play rapid paced and complex tunes. It is imperative to exercise fingers and hands to improve their coordination. Following the instruction of a qualified expert, on the ways to exercise your fingers and hands can produce favorable results.

Practice in front of an audience

Practicing in front of friends and audience allows one to remove inhibitions and nervousness. We can get accustomed to entertaining crowds big or small, by playing in front of an audience, constantly. It also helps us to identify our mistakes and correct them effectively.


Playing nervously or with a lot of tension can mar piano practice sessions. Practicing in a relaxed manner helps one to concentrate more and enjoy the music that is generated from the piano keys. Learn to relax hands, fingers, arms, shoulders and play in a comfortable position, relaxingly.


Recording the practice sessions allows you to identify your pitfalls and mistakes. Recording helps one to recognize the weak aspects, in one’s playing technique. It helps a beginner to polish his/her skills and make it better, with every practice session.

Playing on any musical instrument is a great gift but one cannot become a great musician just by learning all the aspects of playing piano. After learning every nuance and details, on piano music, one has to practice it consistently to polish the skill and become an expert!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Learn To Play Piano - 5 Steps To Learn Piano

The piano is one of the most popular of all musical instruments, and for good reason. Piano music has been a part of culture and society for generations, and it is some of the most beautiful sounding music there is. Anyone can learn play the piano if they apply the devotion and effort necessary to learn to play any musical instrument.
Here are 5 steps to piano learning to help you get started playing this wonderful, musical instrument.

1. Obviously one of the first steps to piano learning is getting access to a piano or keyboard. Though you can learn a great deal from listening to piano music, and from books, to actually learn how to play the piano you will need a piano or keyboard.

2. Your next step to learning piano is to begin taking piano lessons. You can either find a piano teacher locally, or look online for piano classes. There are other methods of learning the piano as well. You can purchase lesson books, instructional DVDs and CDs to help you learn, but to really learn to play well you should be taking piano lessons.

3. You should always listen to what your piano teacher advices about playing the piano, as well as the many other experts out there. One of the steps of learning piano is to understand that the experts do know how to play the piano well, and you can learn a lot from them.

4. To learn piano you will also need to practice. Practice is just as important as taking piano classes, and you should be practicing at least 10 minutes or more every day. It's important to understand that it will not matter what you do to learn piano, if you do not apply yourself to learning, or devote some time each day to practicing, you will never become really good at playing the piano. When you begin your practice session each day, always start with a warm up before you begin practicing. This will help you to apply yourself more efficiently during practice.

5. Your next step to piano learning is to understand that learning to play the piano is a slow process. You will not be playing classical masterpieces within a few weeks of beginning piano lessons. You will learn to play music a section at a time, and only through practice will you begin to play these all the way through. This is the best way to master the piano and play music well.

Piano Practice - Effective Ways To Practice Piano

If you want to learn how to play the piano well, you will need to practice a great deal. To do this you will have to learn to employ some effective ways to practice piano. Once you accomplish this and not only make time to practice the piano, but do so in an effective manner, you will find that your piano playing will improve very quickly.
First you should plan a practice time and set goals to meet during your practice time. It is not good to try and fit your piano practice time into your schedule; instead you should include the practice time as part of your schedule so that you don’t feel rushed to finish. In this way you will get far more out of the time you spend practicing the piano.
When you are practicing, use your rhythm accompaniment (most keyboards have this feature). In this way you can strengthen your rhythm skills as you practice the piano. If you don’t make a habit of practicing and playing the piano with your rhythm accompaniment, you will be inclined to play inconsistent music.
At times, you may want to practice piano in front of an audience, even if that audience only consists of a couple of people. This is important for a couple of different reasons, the first being that it enables you to get over the fear of stage fright, and if you ever want to do anything with your music, this is important. The second thing that playing in front of an audience accomplishes is that you will gain more self-confidence in your musical abilities this way.
Don’t skimp on your practice time. To master the piano you really need to take time out each day to practice. No matter if you just go through some drills, or practice playing a masterpiece, you do have to practice everyday in order to keep your fingers limber, and your pedal coordination good.
After you have mastered a piece, practice by speeding up when you play that piece. According to theory, the faster you play the piano, the better you will develop your skills.
When it comes time to practice the piano you should do so in a relaxed mood. Do what you can to relax before beginning your practice session and you will get more from your time at the piano.
When you are practicing the piano, record your practice session. By doing this you can easily discern just how well, or bad you are playing the piano and find ways to improve.
By using these ways to effective practice the piano you will improve your skills many times over.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Learn To Play Piano

No matter what your age, you can still learn to play piano. Though children do tend to pick up on their piano lessons fairly easily, adults often approach their lessons in a more structured manner, which makes learning piano manageable for them as well.

You will likely find that when you learn to play the piano it is one of the most enjoyable things that you will ever do, and today finding options to help you in learning piano is easier than ever.
To learn to play piano most people take music lessons, and there are a variety of methods in which you can do this. You can look in your local newspapers classifieds to see if there is someone locally who may be giving piano lessons, you may also want to ask around at your local schools and churches to find out if they can refer you to a piano teacher.
The fees associated with piano lessons vary with each instructor; while some may only charge a small fee because they are only teaching part time, professional music teachers may be quite expensive.
Another option to learn to play piano would be to opt to take online lessons, or you can choose to learn through piano lessons DVD course. The online lessons tend to be less expensive than traditional piano lessons, and if you do have problems in learning to play the piano, there is an instructor to help you. On the other hand if you choose to learn to play piano on your own and begin to have some difficulty, you won’t have an instructor to help you understand the lesson.

Each method of learning how to play the piano has its advantages and drawbacks; so it really comes down to personal preference when it comes to how you will go about learning piano.
In addition to taking piano lessons, to learn how to play piano you will also need a piano, or a small, portable keyboard. A piano purchase can be quite a large investment, so to begin with while you are learning piano, the portable keyboard may be your best option. You can shop around and find several portable keyboards that have all the same keys as the standard piano, but they are far less expensive.
Once you have bought a piano or portable keyboard, you’ll be all set to learn to play the piano, all that will be left is to find a good piano teacher, and to set your mind to learning how to play piano.