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Friday, August 29, 2008

Piano techniques - A few techniques that helps

Piano is an interesting instrument to learn. With commitment and dedication, it is hopeful to master the art of playing on a piano. Pianists use different piano techniques, to play piano. A person, interested in learning piano can choose a technique that he/she is comfortable, from an array of piano techniques.

Broken chord

Broken chord piano technique is a technique that can be learnt with ease. In this technique, a chord is broken up into notes. All the tones, involved are heard in the same instant. This is called solid chord.

If a pianist is using his/her finger and playing a C major triad, then he/she can break it up into three notes and can playing them one after the other, this is called broken chord.

Broken chord technique is used commonly, in the New age piano music. It is enthralling to listen to the music, when a piano player plays the notes of a particular chord, in the broken style. The sound of the piano is fuller and the music sounds wonderful.


This technique allows a pianist to generate music that is fuller. The specialty of the technique is that there is repeating pattern, which is present, frequently in every kind of music. The repeating pattern is called ‘ostinato’. Ostinato gives this technique its charm and depth. The Ostinatos can be utilized, in the creation of staccato sound. Two chords are used to produce harmonic background.

These two chords are created by the left hand and the right hand invents melody. Even a repeating bass note can be used to create the ‘ostinato’ pattern. This technique also stresses on melody, which makes the music created through the application of this technique, alluring!

The Ostinatos, quickly provide you the complete background and keeps the mood of the piece, intact. Then the melody can be introduced into this background to create beautiful music!

Open position chord

The open position chord technique is a technique that covers the two octaves of a keyboard and a person has to make use of both the hands, while playing. The open position chord is not an easy technique to master. Once a person familiarizes himself/herself with the chord structure, then it is easy to apply this technique. This technique allows one to create better sounds that the closed position chords.


The crossover technique is used in the New age pianos and it spans one octave or more. The pianist, while applying this technique on the piano uses the left hand and produces a cascading pattern of notes. These notes ascend and descend, according to the way it is played. In some musical compositions, which can be played using this technique, a few chords are broken up into arpeggios. This generates a beautiful harmony loop. The chords are broken up with the left hand and the right hand polishes the melody, in the composition. While learning this technique, one has to master the left-hand crossover and then one has to learn to add melody, with the right hand.

All kinds of piano styles have their own share of techniques and risks. A particular technique suits a specific style. Some techniques prove to be very useful than other techniques. While playing on a piano, a pianist has to adopt a particular technique that suits the style of the music and the pianist himself. Learning new techniques makes a person play on a piano efficiently and create music that mesmerizes the listeners!

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