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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Piano Practice

Piano Practice – Effective Ways to Practice Piano

Practice makes any art perfect and there are many effective ways to practice piano and become adept in the art of playing piano. Piano practices do not have an element of fun associated with them, since they become monotonous after a particular period of time. Long hours of practice are required to play piano, confidently. Commitment and concentration can make the practice session great fun!

Make your own space!

It is difficult to practice piano anywhere. Some musicians play better, when they are in a quiet place like their private room, bedroom or even a silent garage. Finding your own space, where you can concentrate is the first and foremost thing, before beginning practice. The room should not be crowded with things and should not be noisy. The piano must be placed away from direct sunlight, since it can destroy the piano’s sensory parts. When a person practices in his/her own private space, he/she is not distracted and can easily detect and rectify mistakes.

Schedule practice time

Finding time to practice is vital for practicing any instrument. It is important to set aside a few hours everyday to practice. You should practice everyday, during this time and keep yourself free from other engagements. The practicing time should be uninterrupted by family and friends.

Practice everyday!

Practicing everyday has many other benefits too. If we practice daily, our fingers become dexterous and we find it easy to play any complicated piece on a piano, with ease. Practicing allows our body to be accustomed to the routine and helps in conditioning the body. Playing continuously on the piano also helps one to develop the skill of playing by ear. Every note, every chord and every key is in a harmonious manner, since we practice almost all the known compositions, daily.

Exercise fingers and hand

Fingers create the magic called music with a touch, on the keys of the piano. To play complicated musical compositions, hands must be agile enough to play rapid paced and complex tunes. It is imperative to exercise fingers and hands to improve their adroitness. Following the instruction of a qualified expert, on the ways to exercise your fingers and hands can produce favorable results.

Use metronome

Metronomes aid the pianists to strengthen their piano rhythm skills and as beginners, playing without them can produce chaotic sounds, not music. To stay on beat during practices, metronome helps immensely. After becoming an expert in grasping rhythms and beats, you can avoid using metronomes.

Practice in front of an audience

Practicing in front of friends and audience allows one to remove inhibitions and nervousness. We can get accustomed to entertaining crowds big or small, by playing in front of an audience, constantly. It also helps us to identify our mistakes and correct them effectively.


Playing nervously or with a lot of tension can mar piano practice sessions. Practicing in a relaxed manner helps one to concentrate more and enjoy the music that is generated from the piano keys. Learn to relax hands, fingers, arms, shoulders and play in a comfortable position, relaxedly.


Recording the practice sessions allows you to identify your pitfalls and mistakes. Recording helps one to recognize the weak aspects, in one’s playing technique. It helps a beginner to polish his/her skills and make it better, with every practice session.

Playing on any musical instrument is a great gift but one cannot become a great musician just by learning all the aspects of playing piano. After learning every nuance and details, on piano music, one has to practice it consistently to polish the skill and become an expert!

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